Saturday, November 20, 2010




Hate the word. The word that keeping yourself in "leisure" and "always leisure" from time to time....

The word that make you don't do anything....

The word that I always think is "the killer" for someone who has strong determination + clear plan to create a history of success in his or her life....

The word that always resembled me in my past time...yeah I always wasted my time(perhaps a lot) in Semesti...always said "nantilah buat" or "banyak masa lagi"....

Being in Japan taught me a lot of things...eventhough just a month++....I simply said that bringing along your "malaysia attitude" here don't make any sense..even it's getting worse and worse...

If you just go here for ryoko(vacation)'s ok you can have fun here...going shopping in Shibuya and Shinjuku...have a trip to Hokkaido....going to Disneyland(I want to go!).....

But I know, I'm not here for that(nanti dah cuti pegi la jgak)....I have my own aim here and I wish I could realize it one day later....

I wish I could start my study in Physics and's my aim since I come but yet...the "procastination" word "engulf" me along the way....

Syukur progress in Japanese going well...I'm becoming more intrested in Japanese...and the intrest drives me to put in a lot of effort....but not for Physics and Math...when I open physics book...I wish I will close the book as fast as possible...yet it's the problem when you are learning only japanese at this's hard to concentrate on any other things.....

Thanks Noel(senpai) that made me realized...and also Tai senpai.....yeah maybe they are chinese and learned a lot kanji before...but that's not a point...they can did it because of effort....they put a lot of about you?

"For japanese, there's no space for excuses...if you did a mistake, just bow and say sorry...the more you give excuses, the more they don't like you"

love this scenery.....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A year from now.....

Hari ini....14 November 2010....

Exam EJU (Entrance University Exam) telah berlalu buat senpai2 dari seluruh dunia...especially buat senpai2 ABK seramai 7 orang tu....

Xtanya lg senpai2 macam mana exam...ok ke?biase ke?susah ke?Haha...lawak kan jepun ni?prepare selama dua tahun....pastu effort dua tahun tu diuji dalam 1 hari exam je...

susah nk imagine....

soalan EJU just consist of Japanese paper, science (physics,chemistry,biology...optional 2 choices)...n math...soalan science trutamaya...cuma dalam objektif je...haha bestkan?

objektif?tapi pilihan jawapan 7.....kalau nk guna "machine gun" probablity nk kena 1/7....jd adakah dgn mnembak mrupakan 1 alternatif trbaik?

lg 1...standard silibus science n math jepun yg tggi n sukar...tmbah dgn bahasa jepun lg...jd apakah senang2 je nk lepas exam ni?

tentu tidak....

berakhirnya giliran senpai2....lpas ni siapa?a year from yg menulis blog ni akan brhadapan situasi yang sama...bagaimana mghadapi hari tu ditentukan dgan usaha hari ni...

jadi barangsiapa yg bersusah2 sekarang,,,dia akan senang kemudian....barangsiapa yg bersenang2 sekarang...dia akan susah 1 hari nanti...

hari tu akan tiba...dan bagaimana menghadapi hari tu perlu dirancang dr skrang...sedetik masa brlalu bukan smkin jauh kita dgn hari itu, malah makin dekat...


"Man jadda wa jadda".....

Friday, November 5, 2010

It's all about hard work....


Just a short post....(terasa nak tulis)

Tokyo University (Todai for short)

Prbualan saya dgn abg Tai td...(bermula pkul 10.30 shingga 11.30)

T : Don't take basic as granted. Kamu kukuhkan basic dulu baru try soalan EJU
Z : Bukan apa, ingat nk try wat...terasa nk buat lak....
T : Bukan apa, tp rasanya xssuai buat masa sekarang...lg2 kena struggle for nihongo Math A n mechanics (physics)...itu cuma nasihat saya la...
Z : rasanya kalau silibus math jepun is completely different from a-level, matriks....jd kalau xstudy dr skrang...takut xleh catch up nanti...
T : dtg jepun bukan macam negara di jepun = work hard....tukar mind set yg kamu boleh boleh catchup ke..."ala ni rasanya xpayah buat latihan kot"...xde mcm tu...saya ada sembang dgn todaisei (student Todai)...nk compare macam mane dy work hard to todai? dy buat overall 100 juta soalan...utk masuk todai...
Z : gila pe 100 juta soalan...
T : doryouku (put all the effort) sgt penting di jepun....there's nothing but put on all the efforts...kibishi (strict) to other way....

100 juta soalan = masuk Todai

can imagine how to work for that?