Sunday, September 25, 2011

Last tackle

"It seems nobody really cares about me"

Suddenly, I remember about this character, which I used to read the manga Eye Shield 21 (story about american football in japanese high school) last time. Since there is no manga for rugby, and I don't really like soccer manga, so I think this was the best manga to read that time. Haha

His name is Shin Seijuro. He's not the main character, but he is the main opponent and rival for the main character, Sena (which is the fastest sprinter). Sena and Shin are always oppose each other, showing their best abilities to be the best player in Japan. Sena plays as sprinter for the Devil Bats team, but Shin is linebacker (more to defender) for Oujyo White Knights.

I like his character. A genius player with super hardworking through his training, he is a humble, but very serious character. But he never smile, until he was beaten by Sena at their last match. He trains all the time, in rains and hot, and he knew that one day he will be beaten by his rival, so to avoid that he trained all his best, but at last the hero of the manga won the battle.

And his famous technique during the game was "spear tackle", before been upgraded to "trident tackle". In the manga, if Shin is a linebacker for the match, no one could reach to beyond him to score touchdown. Plus, you could end with heavy stomachache or broken leg or hand after been tackled by him.

But, this is post is not to write about this manga actually.

EJU is just a month and half but currently, I still not prepare seriously for that. I know I wasted a lot of time and to compensate it, is almost impossible. What can I do it, to realize how precious each second after this, not by thinking "ok, I still have one month" instead I should try to think, "no way, I don't have anytime". Time passed and while writing this also, the time still passing.

This last month, just give the "Last Tackle"

Aiming your opponent.

Focus on him.

Prepare your hand.

Watch your steps.



*Having only that kind of spirit is not enough. We are muslims. We have Allah. At last, let He decide the best for us. Pray a lot, everyone.

I've been so weak through all this time, now I begin to hate this feeling. I hope this is stronger feeling, and want to move forward, no matter what happen.

"It seems nobody really cares about me." 

Yeah, nobody cares about you. But Allah does. And it's enough.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

It's a life, accept it

Assalamualaikum everyone,

Dear my faithful reader,  (ceh, macam ada org baca je)

It has been a long time since I wrote in English ( I know my English is not that good), but at least I tried to write in this I-dont-really-like language. Yeah, sincerely my English is bad. From primary school until the end of my secondary school, I was forced by my father to read more English books to improve my language skills, but it didn't work. In Semesti, I used more Malay to speak, and I started to speak in English just for scholarship interview.

Even during the BNM interview, my lack in English was shown. "You have to improve your English and communication skill after this." The interviewer "advised" me during the session.

And until now I'm struggling, I try to speak English with my friends as much as I can, Alhamdulillah thanks to Allah for giving friends that prefer to use English when we are talking.

Ok, It's a life, accept it.

It is normal as human to face challenges and burdens in life. Sometimes challenges strengthen us, but sometimes weaken us. We are not like sahabats' Iman that always improve from time to time. We are not Malaikat who dont' have any sin. We are normal muslim, normal human, and our graph of Iman it's like dekoboko (suddenly using japanese, the kanji for it is 凸凹, means "up and down").
It will increase and decrease. It's hard to make it directly proportional, but easy to make it inversely proportional.

When challenges come, until one point you can bear it, but after one moment you will feel distressed and dishearted.

I always keep in mind that all things happened were best to me. But sometimes, reflecting back what happened, sad feeling comes and I feel regret for it.

For me, facing problem related to studies, university is ok and I can endure it, but when it added to human relationship, I felt really down. Sincerely, I dont like to keep doubting someone, and I want to build a good relationship with everyone, even who you are or where you come from. Being and having enemy is just a poison to your life, and doesn't good at all, except for having enemy that is allowed in Islam.

When one of my friend said,

"You looked stressed. Dont be like this, always keep hardworking and pray a lot, there is still rezeki for you later"

Yeah, now I realized I cannot study with stressed mood, because later I will end up with nothing. Now I started learning in my own pace, without thinking about others. But still, I have to work hard and dont wasting this precious short time.


p/s : Please pray for all of us! Amin.....

Sunday, September 4, 2011



Ok, Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin semua. Minta maaf dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki kalau ada salah dan silap, halal makan minum semua. (Lambat sikit tahun ni)

Ok, minggu ni minggu raya, actually bagi sesiapa yang berada di perantauan mesti akan ditanya soalan2 cepu2 emas ni

"Eh, raya kat perantauan, mesti sedih kan?"

"Sedih ke? jangan nangis2 tau"

Dan macam2 lagi.

Sejujurnya saya kata saya tidaklah berperasaan sebegitu sangat raya  kali ini. Sebabnya adalah seperti berikut : (saja tulis list bagi senang baca)

1)Kalau dari segi perasaan, saya lebih sedih kerana berlalunya ramadan tahun ni. Ya, ramadan di Jepun buat kali pertama ni memberi seribu macam kenangan bermakna bagi saya. Buat pertama sekali saya berpuasa tatkala semua manusia di sekeliling saya xpuasa. Kemudian dgn kelas yang pack sama macam masa xpuasa, mungkin mula2 agk susah tapi lama2 biasa. Dan kadang2 lawak jugak tengok reaksi kawan sekelas bila saya explain pasal puasa ;

"Pagi sampai malam xmakan? mati!" (translate dari nihongo)

Menjadi satu cabaran untuk saya tidak mnjadikan puasa tu alasan utk brtindak lesu, atau tidak brtenaga langsung dalam kelas. Saya akui waktu buat latihan EJU berterusan, kadang2 susah nak concentrate 100%, tapi cuba jugak yang terbaik.

Dari segi masa, banyak masa dapat dijimatkan dan xperlu fikir langsung pasal makanan (selain berbuka) Masa tu dapat diisi dengan baca Al-quran xpun study.

Dari segi bajet, mmg save banyak sbb kat sini tiada bazar ramadan. Mula2 mmg spent sikit untuk berbuka dgn beli lauk2 macam ikan, udang n etc tapi nak hujung2 ramadan lebih banyak brbuka di masjid yang makanannya lebih banyak dan free =)

Kemudian waktu paling best adalah berada di Masjid Otsuka =) kalau boleh nak spend semua masa kat sana tapi yalah, kebetulan ada jyuken (university entrance exam) xlama lagi, jd xdapat nk luang sepenuh masa di masjid. Di situ solat tarawih 20 rakaat, tapi buat 8 je sebab dh lewat kalau nk trus smbung sampai 20. Kerana subuh di sini dalam pukul 3 lebih gitu, maka nak xnk kena balik n tidur awal.

Kat masjid tu juga dapat kenal dgn rmai orang, kadang2 terjumpa dengan orang malaysia, kawan2 kat Intec dulu, dan ada yang dah bekerja, buat phd dan sebagainya, n dapat kenal orang2 dari mcm2 negara, pendek cerita wonderful experience la =)

Sebab itu, terasa berat hati nak meninggalkan kenangan ramadan yang indah ini

2) Ada jyuken Universiti Waseda. Sebenarnya baru je exam semalam n for sure, kena prepare betul2 sebelum tu. Sebab tu mmg xde masa nak fikir pasal raya, except malam before raya kteorang (geng2 muslim di ABK, 4 orang) bertungkus lumus mnyiapkan rendang sampai pagi untuk bagi student ABK rasa rendang Malaysia. Feedback alhamdulillah sedap katanya mereka tapi pedas sangat. Yang menulis ni pun terasa pedas, apatah lagi orang Jepun (lecturer) dan bdk2 negara lain yang xbrpa suka pedas lagi lah.

Berbalik kepada psal jyuken tu, sbb tu kalau orang tanya "xsedih ke beraya di perantauan?"

Sedih?tension nk exam adalah !

Bercerita pasal jyuken semalam, overall errmmm xtau nak cakap cmne. Mula2 gelak2 la masa exam, sebab exam English, xsusah mana pun, tapi bila sampai 2nd test, rika (physics n chemistry) wow! then test math, ermmm, ok? xok? no comment.

Apa2 pun saya hanya mampu berdoa jela. Saya tau sy dah buat terbaik, n banyak yang saya belajar lpas amek jyuken smalam. At least saya tahu apa itu jyuken, bgaimana rasa mnduduki jyuken tu dan bgaimana prsdiaan mghadapi jyuken, kena usaha brganda2 lebih lagi. Ia xsmudah revise n study apa yang ada belajar. Tapi lebih kepada study,revise,study,revise, exercise,exercise,exercise......exercise (kuasa 20). Kerana bgaimana genius nya sorang tu pun, belum tentu dapat jwab soalan jyuken kerana MASA.

Ada hikmah kalau sy lepas exam ni, dan ada juga hikmah kalau xlpas, apapun berserah segala-galanya kepada Allah =)

Ok, tamat pasal jyuken. Kmudian hari ni, sebgai kibuntenkan (change mood) pergi beraya rumah senior dgn kawan2. Dapatlah rasa rendang lagi, sembang2 n cerita macam2. Barulah dapat feel "beraya" yang sebenar hari ni. Hehe

Jadi akhir tinta, selamat maju jaya bagi kawan2 yang nk mula sem university esok. Smoga dipermudahkan study n berjaya hendaknya. Jangan lupa doakan kejayaan kita bersama. Korekara, ganbatte kudasai!!!